
What do humble people do?

 Reading 13 Habits Of Humble People by Jeff Boss. Curious to find the contrast between the world's definition of humility and the Bible (if any). 

The "world" defines humilityThe Bible defines humility
They’re Situationally Aware: Aim focus outward, absorb (learn)Take on Jesus' work, with Jesus humble attitude (Matthew 11:29), See he's gone before you (Deut 31:6,8)
They Retain Relationships: Engaged workforce, less turnoverInvite the marginalized into fellowship, more turnover from disengaged to fully included (Luke 14:12-14)
They Make Difficult Decisions With Ease: Moral and ethical, decisions from shared interestLook at what's best for others (Philippians 2:4)
They Put Others First: Care and share the credit and wealthCount other more significant then yourself (Philippians 2:3)
They Listen: Eager to understand others, active listeningJesus actively listened to people near to him and those who were far from him.
They’re Curious: Crave opportunity to learn from others experienceSwift to hear (Matt 13:9, Rom 10:17) 
They Speak Their Minds: Courage, no fear of being wrongslow to speak (Prov 10:19,17:27), bold to speak (2 Cor 4:13)
They Take Time To Say “Thank You” in the little thingsBe kind and tenderhearted to one another (Ephesians 4:31-32)
They Have An Abundance Mentality: Plenty of opportunity just requires collaboration and communicationGod's word accepted in our hearts is massively bountiful (Luke 8:4-8,15)
They Start Sentences With “You” Rather Than “I”: They brag about othersBoast about my weakness, that Christ would shine within me (2 Corinthians 12:9)
They Accept Feedback as a path to improvement Graceful path is revealed to and received by the humble (Psalm 25:9, James 4:6)
They Assume Responsibility, speak up and accept their partRepentance speaks and owns up to failure.
They Ask For Help, honoring the knowledge and ability of othersGod gives us his Holy Spirit when we ask (Luke 11:13)

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