
3 Steps to Victory available to everyone

 I happened upon this video series 3 Steps to Victory by Robert Morris. The 3 steps are;

  1. Stop believing lies
  2. Stay in the Word
  3. Start going to church

One thing that's caught my attention from this series is that we are Body, Soul, and Spirit.

  • Body - God gave us to relate to his Creation
  • Soul - our mind, desires, and emotions. Ourself, selfish. This is the "old man" inside that must die.
  • Spirit - God gave us to relate to him. This is our born-again self
All throughout the Bible, we see the older will serve the younger. The new testament shows that the old testament is like a shadow, with spiritual principles we can apply to our lives today. We see this in Romans. The good news of God in Jesus Christ is the power of salvation for all who believe. Having believed the good news, we live a new life in Christ. We believe God, so we preach "Jesus Christ" and build His Church. 

The Older (Body and Soul) will Serve the Younger (Spirit)
  • Ephesians 4:23-24 and Colossians 3:10 says, "...let the Spirit renew your thoughts and attitudes. Put on your new nature, created to be like God—truly righteous and holy." and "put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge in the image of its creator."
  • God's gifts and our commitment are bonded by love (Romans 12:1-21)

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