
Failing away from God, we remember the way back (Hosea 12:1-6)

 Hosea 12

Pivotal verses: "But you must return to your God; maintain love and justice, and wait for your God always." Hosea 12:6, the continued pleading from Hosea 6

“Come, let us return to the Lord...he will restore us, so that we may live in his presence. Oh, that we might know the Lord! Let us press on to know him" Hosea 6:1-3

God has been showing me I need to have more quiet time with the Lord, slow down - take a Sabbath rest, fast (stop eating). Only in these times can my crooked ways be straightened. A little intervention goes a long way. 

12:1) Ephram feeds on wind, multiplies lies, violence, allies with Assyria, Egypt

 - MSG: obsessed with god-fantasies, chases ghosts and phantoms. He tells lies nonstop, soul-destroying lies.

 - False prophets introduce destructive heresies, ignoring facts of wrath (2 Peter 2)

 2) Judah and Israel being charged by God, held accountable to their deeds

 - Was watching sin, transgression, iniquity from BibleProject showing deference in these terms, clarifying what's wrong in the world. Sin is against God, transgression is breaking trust. The video shows a thief stealing from you is one thing but when a neighbor does it (whom you should have trust), it's transgression. Iniquity (AVON) is allowing the consequences of our lives to fall upon us (wickedness, guilt, bent/crooked). 

 - To punish: visit someone's AVON (Iniquity) upon them.

3-5) Jacob struggled with his brother and God, wrestled, brought to knees, wept in repentance, sought favor, and was found by God in Bethel

 - the Lord God Almighty (God of hosts, God of the Angel Armies), the Lord is his name (God-Revealed, God-Known)!

6) What are you waiting for? Return to your God! Commit yourself in love, in justice! Wait for your God, and don’t give up on him—ever!

 - Redemption and the "To Be" list

 - Live like your approaching eternity today: Joshua recounts history and covenant to the Lord before death (Joshua 22-24)

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