
Jesus resisted Satan's temptation and began His public ministry (Matt 4)

Main truths:

Believers overcome temptation by the Word of God and in the power of God. 

Jesus calls people to follow Him

I. Jesus used God's Word to overcome Satan's temptation in the wilderness. – Matthew 4:1-11 
II. Jesus began His public ministry by calling His disciples, teaching, and healing. – Matthew 4:12-25

4:1) Jesus, led by Spirit to be tempted by devil
2-4) Fasting 40 days, tempter "Son of God? Tell stones bread", Jesus "man lives on God's word"
5-7) devil tallest city building, "Son of God? jump - God's word: angels". Jesus "also don't test Him"
8-10) devil mountain, "all kingdoms I give, worship me", Jesus "away Satan, worship/serve God"
11) devil left him, angels attended Jesus
 - Application: What temptation are you facing now? How will you stand on God's Word and trust His provision?
12-16) Jesus heard John prison, went to Capernaum in Zebulan and Naphtali fulfilling prophecy light
17) Jesus life message, "repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near"
18-20) Jesus calls Simon/Peter, brother Andrew. "send you fish for people" - immediately followed Him
21-22) Jesus calls James, borther John, left Father/boat immediately followed Him
 - Application: In what way do you find it hard to simply  "follow" Jesus? In what way are you holding back?
23) Jesus Galilee teaching Synagogues, good news Kingdom, heals everyone/every sickness
24-25) News spread of detailed healings, large crowds followed Him
 - Application: How do I help people understand the good news of repentance? How does the gospel bring healing?

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