
Jesus heals all sick, challenges faith of followers, calms the natural and spiritual storms (Matt 8)

 Matt 8

AIM: Faith is our right response to God's faithfulness. 

A) Jesus demonstrates faith healing

B) The cost of discipleship is living faith, not wishy/washy words (18-22)

C) External and internal (spiritual) storms rebuked by Jesus (23-27)

Big ideas: Jesus’ Authority, Merciful, Doctrine of Faith

A) Jesus demonstrates faith healing

1-4) Jesus, crowds, humble leper shows faith, intimacy/touched "willing/clean". "don't tell/show-offer gift as testimony"

5-13) Jesus, Capernaum, centurion "help, paralyzed suffering servant/Just say the word, he'll be healed" GREAT FAITH: “Go! Let it be done just as you believed it would.”

 - shocking; Jesus to those following him, "I have not found anyone in Israel with such great faith"

 - David's son's marriage, Dan's neck, and internal organs, Kevin's diabetes, my dad's diabetes, Jeannie's body aches, I know so many suffering people. When will I bring them to the Lord in prayer? 

14-17) Jesus, Peter's house, mother-in-law, from fever to serving, evening demon-possessed drove out spirits word/healed ALL sick "took up infirmities, bore our diseases" 

The principle from BSF lesson: "Jesus’ healing power demonstrated His authority over disease."

B) The cost of discipleship is living faith, not wishy/washy words (18-22)

18-22) Jesus, crowd, other side lake, teacher of law, "I will follow wherever you go" - "Son of Man has no place to lay his head." another disciple "Lord, first let me go and bury my father" "follow me, let dead bury their own dead"

 - First of 29 times the "Son of Man" shows up in Matthew - son of man

 - truly follow Christ means He has become everything to us, overcome with the Holy Spirit.

 - Count the Cost

 Although the gift of eternal life is free to anyone who asks (John 3:16), the asking requires a transfer of ownership (Luke 9:23; Galatians 5:24). “Counting the cost” means recognizing and agreeing to some terms first. In following Christ, we cannot simply follow our own inclinations. We cannot follow Him and the world’s way at the same time (Matthew 7:13-14). Following Him may mean we lose relationships, dreams, material things, or even our lives....when we choose to follow Christ, we are releasing control of our lives. When Jesus is in control, pure living results (1 John 3:4-10; 2 Corinthians 5:17). In Jesus’ parable of the sower, it was only the soil that allowed the seed to put down roots and bear fruit that was called “good.” If we are going to be disciples of Christ, we must first count the cost of following Him.

 - When you decide to buy a house, you don't care that most of your income is going into the house. You live there now and it's an investment for the future. 

C) External and internal (spiritual) storms rebuked by Jesus (23-27)

23-27) Jesus, boat, Disciples, a sudden, furious storm “Lord, save us! We’re going to drown!”, “You of little faith, why are you so afraid?” REBUKED wind/waves completely calm/obedience 

28-34) Jesus, other side, two violet demon-possessed men  "Son of God", herd of pigs lost, pig tenders poison the town with the story, town ask Jesus to leave. 

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