
Our faith brings light and healing into peoples lives (Matthew 9)

 Matthew 9

9:1-2) See faith of others, Jesus forgives the sin of a paralyzed man

3-4) Law teachers think he's blaspheming, Jesus asks why they entertain evil thoughts in hearts.

5-8) Jesus heals paralyzed man so they'll know Son of Man has authority to forgive sins

 - Crowd praised God who had given such authority to man

9-13) Jesus calls Matthew to follow and have dinner with his disciples and Matthew's colleagues.

 - Healthy don't need a doctor but sick, tax collectors, and sinners (but not in their place of sin, but the disciple's house). 

 - "I desire mercy not sacrifice (Hosea 6:6)" - call to sinners, not righteous. This is the first bookend of the phrase, last bookend is Matthew 12:7. Micah 6:6-8 enables us to see God is not about us paying for sin, rather to "act justly, love mercy, walk humbly with God."

 - non are righteous (Psalm 14:1-3,53:1; Romans 3:10,11,9-20; 1 John 1:8)

 - God heals our unfaithfulness when we listen and obey him (Book of Hosea)Acknowledge God for three days and you'll experience mercy (Hosea 6, Acts 9:9)

 - 1 Samuel 15:22, Isaiah 1:11, Matthew 9:13, Matthew 12:7, Mark 12:33

14-17) Fasting is for when Jesus is away, new convenient mindset - Jesus with us more constantly than away

Jesus gave three illustrations to indicate that His time on earth was a time of celebration and new things, not a time for mourning. The guests are at a wedding celebration because the bridegroom is with them. Jesus, the bridegroom, was there with them. This was a time to rejoice, not mourn, but a time of mourning was coming. Jesus likened fasting to an old garment and old wineskins. The external rituals of religion could not contain the new life of the gospel that He came to bring. Isaiah 43:18-19 shows us that God’s habit of doing a new thing is a sign of His mercy toward His people and calls for rejoicing - BSF

 18-26) Humble synagogue leader believes Jesus will heal his dead daughter, a 12-year bleeding woman who believed in her heart for healing and was healed, Jesus raised the daughter to life.

27-31) two blind men, "have mercy on us, Son of David," inside, do you believe I am able to do this?... According to your faith, let it be done to you" sight was restored.

32-34) mute demon-possessed, demon driven out, he spoke, amazed people but Pharisees only believe in demons (Matthew 12:24)

35) Jesus all towns, villages, teaching synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom, healing every disease and sickness

 - Nothing is out of bounds for healing when accompanied with the gospel 

36-38) See crowds, have compassion - harvest in plentiful, workers are few. Pray to the Lord of the haven't to send out workers into his field. 

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