
Jesus apostles bring healing and good holy gospel to Jews (Matthew 10)

 Matthew 10

A) Prayer, authority, and instruction for the workers (Matt 9:36-10:15)

B) Expectation of cost and promised provision (Matt 10:16-25)

C) Righteous holiness separates us for God (Matt 10:26-42) 

Matthew 9:36-38) See crowds, have compassion - harvest in plentiful, workers are few. Pray to the Lord of the haven't to send out workers into his field. 

10:1) Jesus called twelve disciples, authority to drive out impure spirits, heal every disease and sickness

 - 2-4) Simon Peter & Andrew, James & John Zebedee, Philip, Bartholomew, Thomas, Matthew, James, Thaddaeus, Simon Zealot, Judas Iscariot

 - 5-8) Don't go among Gentiles or Samaritans, rather lost sheep of Israel, proclaim as you go, "kingdom of heaven has come near", heal sick, raise dead, cleanse leprosy, drive out demons for free

 - 9-15) Don't bring supplies or money, rather search for a worthy person there offer peace, else leave but know judgment day will be unbearable for them.

Jesus authorizes 72 workers into his Fathers fields (Luke 10:1-24)

16-20) Sheep among wolves, shrewd, innocent, guarded - witness to high officials Spirit of Father speaks through you

 - We bear testimony of Christ within us, having decided ahead of time to stand (Luke 21:12-19)

 - 21-23) Family relationships betrayed to death. Hated because they don't know Father God (John 15:21), persecuted? Flee.

 - 24-25) Jesus suffered so will his disciples

26-31) Unafraid, concealed will be known, proclaim the individual message, fear God, remember sparrows

32-33) acknowledge Jesus, he acknowledges us before Father in heaven

 - 34-39) Not muddy "peace" but division, holiness, separation, a clean knife cut, oil, and water. 

 - Doing right with God benefits everyone, even enemies. Our burden/cross is loving those who hate us

 - We find our life when we live for God and bless everyone even those who curse us

40-42) Welcoming cold water is a chain of righteousness and reward from God

 - our culture of "Your Welcome" has become "no problem" 

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