
Jesus teaches humble greatness seeks, restores, and forgives others (Matthew 18)

I got to lead in SALT and Light Today where our topic was "tenderhearted." the verse was Ephesians 4:32 ESV. "Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you." The idea is true forgiveness seeks to reconcile. We are often more forgiving, kind, and tenderhearted to strangers than we are to people we know. My friend said that's because people we know, "know better." But who knows us better than God? Yet he in Christ forgives us. The sanctifying work of God in our hearts shows when we are kind to one another, tenderhearted, and forgiving. 

Focus verse: 

 “This is how my heavenly Father will treat each of you unless you forgive your brother or sister from your heart.” - Matthew 18:35

Big Idea: Jesus calls us to reflect His Father’s heart as they extend love to others Matthew 18

A) humbly receive the weak and the least: Jesus honored childlike humility as true greatness in His kingdom. – Matthew 18:1-9 

What lowly position, service, or person might you knowingly or unknowingly be avoiding?

B) humbly restore the broken and the wandering: Jesus called His people to seek the wandering and humbly restore believers who sin. – Matthew 18:10-20

How have you been blessed by someone who invested in your spiritual growth and well-being? 

C) humbly forgive others: Jesus taught the forgiven to humbly forgive others. – Matthew 10:21-35

In what ways does Christ’s forgiveness make forgiving someone else easier? 

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