
Jesus teaches about true ministry in contrast to hypocrisy (Matthew 23:13-39)

AIM: Jesus helps leaders understand where sadness comes from  Matthew 23:13-39

Focus verse: Matthew 22:29 Jesus replied, “You are in error because you do not know the Scriptures or the power of God."

A) Jesus explains ministry not done in the power of God is awful

13-14) Woe (great sorrow, distress, sadness, difficulty, trouble), teachers, hypocrites - shut door of the kingdom of heaven in people's faces, not entering, devouring widows, lengthy prayers for show

B) Jesus explains ministry is not about converting people and fundraising, rather justice, mercy and faithfulness

15) Travel far for single convert, succeeding to make them 2x child of hell

16-21) Blind guides, fools putting gold over sacred oaths, prayer is sacred

23-24) Woe, teachers, hypocrites, 10% of spices but neglected more important matters, justice, mercy, faithfulness

C) Jesus explains our inside person is all that counts

25-28) clean outside, but inside greed, self-indulgence, appearing righteous but full of hypocrisy and wickedness

29-36) Woe, you testify against yourselves, blood of righteous on your hands Abel, Zechariah

37-39) Jesus desires mercy, yet murders were not willing to receive it

 - Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord Psalm 118:26

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