
Bread and wine at the last Supper/Passover meal (Matthew 26:17-30)

Bread and wine at the last Supper/Passover meal, He illustrated His sacrifice to free every believer from the penalty and power of sin. 

In BSF Lesson 26 - MATTHEW 26 - Mike Gaynor explains the link between the Passover and last supper as follows:

Passover. Usually, the presider would pass the bread saying, "This is the bread of our affliction," but Jesus says in effect, "This is the bread of my affliction," as He broke the bread saying, "This is my body."

There were four cups of wine passed around at Passover, one for sanctification, one for deliverance, one for redemption and run for praise. Many see Jesus passing the third cup of redemption here and He gives it new meaning as He says, "Drink from it all of you. This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins." Isaiah 42 promised that the servant of the Lord, Jesus, would be a covenant to the people. At this supper, Jesus is telling the disciples He is a living promise of redemption from sin for God's people.

Warren Wiersbe (Be Loyal), each cup at Passover relates to the four promises in Exodus 6:6-7 and the hymn Jesus and disciples sang before they left was part of the traditional Hallel Psalm 116-118. Psalm 116:13-14, Cup of Salvation, call on the name of the Lord, fulfill my vows to the Lord. Links cup of salvation (13) to death of faithful servants (15), sacrifice "thank offering" fulfilling vows to the Lord in the presence of all his people (17-18) - Praise the LORD (19).

Then Hollie Roberts adds these great considerations for us:

We recall His act of loving redemption every time we partake of the Lord's Supper in our own churches. As we do this, let's reflect and consider these six "Looks" at the Lord's table. 

  • Look backward to Jesus' finished act of redemption on the cross that provides an anchor for my soul. (Heb 6:19)
  • Look forward to the fulfillment of the kingdom of God and drinking that cup of wine of praise with Jesus in everlasting fellowship. (1 Cor 11:26)
  • Look inward to examine and confess our sins. We should ask in the original Lord's Supper context, "Lord, how have I betrayed you?" (1 Cor 11:28)
  • Look upward to realize our Savior is alive at God's right hand, interceding for us to trust, obey, and faithfully serve Him. (Heb 7:25, 1 John 2:1)
  • Look around at the band of brothers and sisters that Jesus has put us in to serve and love as He did, washing His disciples' feet. (John 17:17,20,21,23,24,26)
  • Look outward as we proclaim the Lord's death and be energized to share the good news of redemption with fellow rebels.

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