
Jesus prepared through prayer, is ready to live according to Scripture in Gethsemane (Matthew 26:47-56)

My friend John Egger died this week, his wife Joan joined our leader's meeting and let us know he'd been struck by a car while they walked together. She was with him, comforting him in his last moments. He had several difficulties but this was a complete surprise and shock. I had just seen John online on Wednesday, and by Friday night he was gone. John was faithful to his wife of 48 years, had deep friendships where he included close friends and new friends in his online group. I remember believing he needed to leave leadership because of his health but instead our friend Brad took care of his group while he recovered. He actively sacrificed, getting new equipment so that he could listen, understand and participate fully. I'm grateful for knowing John and will miss him. 

A week earlier my friend Jasons' son died too early from a heroin overdose. Death is shocking but in Jesus last hours of life we see how a person prepared to die, lives in his last moments. 

 Matthew 26:47-27:31

A) Jesus was arrested in the garden of Gethsemane.

47-49) Judas, armed crowd betrays Jesus with a friendly kiss

50) Jesus calls him friend as he's arrested

 - Judas could have felt remorse and repented now but didn't

51-54) Jesus companions try to kill the servant of the high priest, Jesus says no

 - all who draw the sword, die by the sword. Options: Father, twelve legions of angels but Scriptures be fulfilled

55-56) Jesus preaches, "rebellion? every day I taught you didn't arrest, but now so writings of prophets might be fulfilled. All disciples deserted him

 - Jesus held Scripture in the highest esteem, will I love my enemies and pray for those who persecute me in my last hours? As we prayed for Joan we also prayed for the person who struck John with the car. We prayed for forgiveness and mercy. That person would see Christ and receive forgiveness, one day being welcomed into heaven by John himself. 

Questions for our lesson

What stands out to you regarding Jesus’ character and God’s plan for His Son?

What can you learn about facing difficulties in your life?

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