
God uses prophecy to enact judgement and provide mercy (1 Kings 22-2 Kings 1:18)

Big Idea: God's judgment stands, prophets' message is mercy towards repentance. 

 1 Kings 22-2 Kings 1:18

A) Ahab's desire for glory brings condemnation to himself

22:1-9) 3 years no war, Jehoshaphat of Judah, Ahab of Israel want to take Ramoth-gilead but ask 400 prophets + 1 of the Lord Micaiah Imlah

10-14) Ahab's prophets "LORD says, iron horns gore Arameans to death" Micaiah "I will say only what Lord tells me to say"

15-16) Micaiah sarcastically to Ahab, "LORD will give victory", Ahab wants truth from the LORD.

17) Vision Israel scattered mountain, sheep without a shepherd, LORD master killed, send home peace.

 - sheep without a shepherd. Moses (Numbers 27:17), Babylon (Isaiah 13:14), Easy prey (Ezekiel 34:5), Confused and helpless (Matthew 9:36), So Jesus taught the crowds (Mark 6:34)

18-28) Micaiah "Listen to what the LORD says, LORD put a lying spirit in the mouth of prophets to judge Ahab. Prison but assurance. 

 - Application: God is Sovereign and calls everyone to repent from fortune tellers and evil ways or die.

29-40) Ahab disguise didn't work, hit by a random arrow, buried Samaria - dogs licked his blood, son Ahaziah next king

B) Jehoshaphat lived a life pleasing to the LORD though he failed

41-50) Jehoshaphat 25 years, good pleasing LORD's sight but failed to remove pagan shrines, people sinned, peace with Israel, banished prostitutes, ships not sailed, son Jehoram next king.

C) Ahaziah's evil lead many to sin, and never sought the LORD in his moments of need leading to death

51-53) Ahaziah, evil in LORD's sight who led Israel to sin, served Baal provoked anger

2 Kings 1:1-8) Elijah intercepts messengers about Ahaziah's injury - you'll never recover

9-15) 50 soldiers fire from heaven killed them x2, Humble captain + angel of LORD, go with him

 - Man of God - Gen 2: formed from dirt, God breathed life into him. Moses (Deut 33:1, Joshua 14:6), messenger for Samson's parents angel of the LORD ascended in flame (Judges 13:6,18,20,25), Samuel (1 Samuel 9), Elijah

 - Application: But you, Timothy, are a man of God; so run from all these evil things. Pursue righteousness and a godly life, along with faith, love, perseverance, and gentleness. 1 Tim 6:11

A church leader is a manager of God’s household, so he must live a blameless life. He must not be arrogant or quick-tempered; he must not be a heavy drinker, violent, or dishonest with money. Titus 1:7

16-18) Elijah delivers same message, Ahaziah dies, brother Joram next king

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