
The impenitent are beyond help, yet God guides us to repentance (Jeremiah 15)

 Jeremiah 15

Key verse: When I discovered your words, I devoured them. They are my joy and my heart’s delight, for I bear your name, O Lord God of Heaven’s Armies. (Jer 15:16, Rev 2:17)

A penitent heart is one that sincerely regrets the sin in one's life, sin that alienates us from any relationship with God. A repentant heart is one that humbly accepts that it is only through faith in God's grace that we are brought into a right relationship with him.

A) Jeremiah's intercession will not change the fate brought on by wicked leaders.

1-3) LORD, "Moses or Samuel's intercession wouldn't move me to help, destined for death, war, famine, captivity, I send destroyers, sword to kill, dogs to drag, vultures devour, wild animals what's left.

 4) Because wicked things Manasseh son of Hezekiah, king of Judah did in Jerusalem - I make my people object of horror to all kingdom of earth.

 - Principal: one leader can make a huge difference on everyone in community.

 - Manasseh a 12 year old king, idolatrous, repulsive acts of pagan nations LORD dispossessed, he rebuilt altars of Baal, like Ahab (2 Kings 21:1-18) . Manasseh, first born of Joseph means "God made me forget all my hardship and all my father's house" (Gen 41:51).

 - I'm seeing this play out in Revelation 2, where church leaders need to repent: reject Balaam, food offered to idols, sexual sin, reject Jezebel misleads into sexual sin and eating food offered to idols.

  • A "modern version of food offered to idols" could be interpreted as any activity or practice where someone excessively prioritizes or dedicates themselves to something non-spiritual, like material possessions, fame, or even a particular lifestyle, to the point where it takes precedence over other important aspects of life, essentially acting as a form of worship or devotion to that thing, even if it's not a traditional deity; examples could include spending excessive time on social media, prioritizing work to the detriment of personal well-being, or obsessive focus on appearance or wealth.
  • Some Christians interpret "food offered to idols" as participating in activities that could be seen as supporting practices considered idolatrous by their faith, even if they don't directly worship an idol themselves.
5-7) Jerusalem alone, because they abandoned LORD, destroyed, no more second chance having refused to change evil ways
 - Principal: God gives people chances to change, Holy Spirit at work in our lives, to reject the Holy Spirit is the only unpardonable sin. 
8-9) wealth and opportunity goes away suddenly, childless, disgraced, humiliated - LORD spoken

B) Jeremiah conversation with the LORD brings restoration
10) Jeremiah, sorrow, wish I wasn't born, I'm not lender foreclosing, or borrower refusing to pay, yet cursed.
11-14) LORD, I'll take care of you, your enemies plead, I give them your wealth for sin rampant in land
15-18) Jeremiah, you know, give me time, I discovered your words, devoured them, yet suffering continues, wound is incurable, your help uncertain as a dry spring. 
19-21) LORD, return to me, I will restore you so you can serve me. Speak good words, influence them, they'll attack but I make you secure, protect, rescue you, safe.

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