
God crowned humans with glory, Jesus values them (Psalm 8, Matthew 8)

You have set your glory
    in the heavens. (Psalm 8:1)
I love this song by Jared Anderson, "Be Glorified". I'm reminded that it's through the praise of children and infants that God has established a stronghold against your enemies (2). Looking around on any day and considering the work God has done in the creation of heaven and earth is amazing and then to think that he is mindful of us (Psalm 8:3-4) is cause for praise.
God has crowned humans with glory and honor and made us rulers over the works of his hands (Psalm 8:4-8; Genesis 1:1-3:1).

Matthew 8 shows us Jesus will in healing the unclean. I remember teaching this lesson on "show and tell" to kids years ago (1-4). Jesus heals and says, don't tell - but show yourself, offer the gift to the priest as Moses commanded as a testimony to them. Jesus approves of "the enemy's" faith, who takes Jesus at his word and believes. Condemns Israel who see the miracles yet doubt (5-13).

Many followed Jesus and he healed the sick and demon possessed (14-17), he taught about the cost of following him means leave home and family (18-22). He taught that faith in him means not being afraid, but sleeping well in peace (23-27). Jesus showed that a town's fortune in pigs is worth spending to free two human beings from demonic possession (28-34).

Psalm 8; Matthew 8