
Ultimate goal of small groups and God's dream for your life

I'm taking a free class from Chip Ingrim called small-group-leader-course. Totally awesome and insightful way to measure if you're making disciples or just meeting together for other good reasons (fun, fellowship, community etc.). 

Overview of Romans leading up to the definition of a Christion which is God's dream for your life. To be a Romans 12 Christian. God cares deeply about the kind of person you become (Matthew 5:48, Romans 8:29, Ephesians 4:13).
 Romans 1-3: SIN – Our problem that separates
us from God.
− Romans 4-5: SALVATION – God’s solution in the
work of Jesus Christ on the cross.
− Romans 6-8: SANCTIFICATION – Living your new life in
God’s power and growing progressively in Christ-likeness.
− Romans 9-11: SOVEREIGNTY – Living in confidence

Being disciples of Jesus, learning to obey everything Jesus taught is the goal (Matt 28:19-20). Successful as a Romans 12 Christian we should see 5 relationships change, our relationship with God, the world, ourselves, other Christians and non-believers.

Surrendered to God (1)
     - Letting go of my worried filled selfishness, giving my cares to God and letting him work in my life.
     - Acknowledging God's way is right and I want to be living for him, in full trust
     - "Say yes Lord, then do it"
Separate from the world's values (2)
     - Having a "we" mindset, rather than "me"
     - Not relying on wealth that is not reliable, but God and people of God
     - Value what God values eternally (People)
Sober self-assessment (3-8)
      - Remember where I was before the Lord rescued me
      - See generational value, thanksgiving for others sacrifice that I live in benefit of
      - "apart from Christ, I can do nothing"
Serving in love (8-13)
      - Notice the needs of others and fill the need because I care
      - Working with a smile, mutual benefit
      - Not for money, for friendship
Supernaturally overcoming evil with good (14-21)
      - Praying in faith and seeing miracles
      - Seeing my sinful desires die and new godly desires well up
      - Obeying in faith, seeing the fruit of the Spirit so plentiful that I have enough for everyone around me

Today I will share my aim with the Group

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