
Saul commits suicide and David with God restores hope (1 Samuel 28-31)

1 Samuel 28-30; Psalm 36;1 Samuel 31;1 Chronicles 10;
AIM: Without God, we can do nothing, with God everything is possible.

Saul secretly consulted a medium for help and condemnation is revealed (28)
1-2) Philistines to fight Israel, David serves Achish
3-7) Saul in fear of man, seeks God, without an answer in Sauls way (dream, Urim, prophets)
8-14) Saul seeks Medium to talk with Samuel, medium see a divine being coming up out of the earth
15-19) Samuel says what he said before, Lord "has torn" kingdom out of your hand
 - Prophecy of the future in it's done already speech.
20-25) Saul faints from starvation, woman urges him to eat and he does.

29:1-11) David was released from fighting against Israel.

David and his men defeated the Amalekites and shared the plunder.  (30 with Psalm 36)
30:1-6) David's men see their city destroyed, woman/children taken, want to stone David
 - But David strengthened himself in the Lord his God (v6)
7-10) David consults Lord, goes after them
11-15) 3 days of riding find an Egyptian who tells everything, agrees to bring David to Amalekite
16-20) David 24 hours of slaughter and recovered wives and all their stuff
21-25) David rejects "this is mine" takes a "this is ours" approach
 - Psalm 36:1-4, the sinfulness of wicked, no fear of God, flatter themselves plot evil
26-31)David gives some of the spoil to all the elders and friends
 - Psalm 36:5-12) extend the lovingkindness of God to those around you

Saul took his own life. (31 with 1 Chronicles 10)
31:1-6) Israel falls on Mount Gilboa to Philistines killed Saul's sons: Jonathan, Abinadab, Malchi-shua, Saul falls on his sword, armor bearer does the same
7) the rest of Israel fled, Philistines lived in their cities
8-13) Philistines cut off Saul's head and stripped his weapons - carried "good news" to idols and people, good men found the bodies and buried them.

Chronicles f10:13-14
13 So Saul died for his trespass which he committed against the Lord, because of the word of the Lord which he did not keep; and also because he asked counsel of a medium, making inquiry of it, 14 and did not inquire of the Lord. Therefore He killed him and turned the kingdom to David the son of Jesse.

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