
Luke writes about resurrected Jesus and apostles ministry (Acts 1)

AIM: Biblical history is proven trustworthy because of the fullfilled prophecy.

A) Luke writes about Resurrected Jesus teaching and apostles response
Acts 1:1-3) Luke to Theophilus: Jesus gospel Holy Spirit proving eternal life
 - Forty days after death appeared to them in many ways proving he's alive
 - Talked to them about the kingdom of God (Matthew 3:2, 4:17, 10:7, Mark 1:15), Parables of Jesus are primarily about Salvation
 - Theophilus means "loved by God as a friend", written to an individual, us
4-5) Jesus: Father promised gift, baptized with Holy Spirit
 - I told you before (what the Holy Spirit does)
6) Apostles: time for Freedom/restored kingdom?
7) Jesus: Father alone authority, not for you to know
 - 8) You will receive power (grace) when the Holy Spirit comes upon you
 - witness, telling people about Jesus everywhere (Through us this extraordinary plan of God is being made known Eph 3:9-10Grace is God’s empowerment to live beyond normal
9-10) Jesus ascends to heaven, two men suddenly among them
11) "someday, Jesus will return in the same way you saw him go!"
 - Day of judgment, the final/last day
Principle: Jesus will return. Application: how are you preparing yourself for that day?

B) Apostles lived together, united in prayer keep up the ministry Jesus established
12-14) Apostles, lived together, constantly united in prayer with Mary, brothers of Jesus and others
15-17) 120 believers, Peter "Scriptures (Holy Spirit via David) fulfilled in Judas"
 - John 13:18, 17:12 Jesus knew what was written often taught "Have you not read" (Psalm 41:9,55:12-15
 - "there's a table prepared for me in the presence of my enemy" Psalm 23:5,4,6, "'The one who eats bread with Me has lifted up his heel against Me.' John 13:18 - Surrounded (fight my battles) - Psalm 8:2
 - Peter with the others taught by Resurrected Jesus also knew (Luke 24:32,45, 1 John 5:20, 2 Peter 1:21)
18-20) Judas bought a field, then killed himself there
21-22) We must choose a replacement who was with Jesus the entire time (baptism to ascension)
 - Principle: Ministry begins with the baptism of repentance. Just a few days ago did a study on the great commission which is what made this principle stick out. Harmony! Love it. Application: Have you been baptized? Why did you do it? Was it a significant part of your faith journey? Will you consider being baptized a priority this year?
23-26) Joseph/Barsabbas/Justus and Matthias, prayed "you know every heart. Show us which of these men you have chosen as an apostle to replace Judas. Cast lots selecting Matthias.
 - shows the history of what happened

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