
Empty sinfulness leads to Judgement only Jesus can save us from (Hosea 10)

 Hosea 10 looks like the American dream. I've discovered the only way to abide in the Lord (John 15) is to pray continually (1 Thes 5:16-18)

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.

A) Riches breeds promiscuous idol worship (10:1-6)

B) Results in desire to be expunged, hidden from God's wrath (10:7-10)

C) Jesus provides God's mercy, a changed life (10:11-15) 

10:1-2) More luxurious, rich, bountiful we are the more pagan/promiscuous the worship, squandered, guilty - Lord will break altars down

3-4) "no king, we didn't fear LORD, useless", empty words, covenants without intension, injustice

5-6) People's idols invoke fear, mourning, but resulting in ridicule and shame because people have trusted in idol

 - Thinking of the Statue of Liberty

7-8) Samaria is history place of sin crumble, beg mountains "bury us, plead with hills fall on us"

 - Jesus repeats this in Luke 23:30 and later in Rev 6:16...Isaiah 2:19... "if men do these things while the tree is green, what will happen when it is dry?" - Luke 23:31

 - Desire to hide is in our nature Gen 3:8) "they hid themselves from the presence of the LORD God"

 - And, "If it is hard for the righteous to be saved, what will become of the ungodly and the sinner?" 1 Peter 4:18

9-10) Only sin and more sin, no progress, wicked men: Be punished for multiplied sins

11) Israel trained heifer, loves easy work, Judah pulls plow, break up the hard ground

 - Jesus from the line of Judah, learn from him (Matthew 11:28-30)

12) plant the good seeds of righteousness, harvest crop of love, plow hard ground of your hearts, seek the Lord shower righteousness upon you

 - Knowledge of SIN cultivates a conscience and heart for God

13) see ourselves: cultivated wickedness, harvested thriving crop of sins, eaten fruit of lies. trusting military, believing great armies

 - Walking in light involves progressive humility and honesty (1 John 1:5-2:6)

14-15) see the day of judgment dawns

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