
Doctrine Worksheet

 1. People are made in the image of God for fellowship with God. R) Humanity: Creation and Purpose

2. A promise that can be conditional or unconditional. E) Covenants

3. Passing from existence in a decaying human body to a glorified body that lives forever. O) Resurrection

4. Believing God and acting on it. U) Faith

5. The company of all the redeemed known to God. A) The Church

6. The Holy Spirit gives new life. G) Regeneration

7. Jesus took our place and bore the full wrath of God. P) Substitution

8. God chose those who would respond in faith. M) Election

9. Something that functions as a substitute for God. F) Idolatry

10. The progressive growth in holiness. W) Sanctification

11. God’s holy desire and action for justice and righteousness to prevail.  S) Salvation

12. Our salvation is guaranteed by the Holy Spirit dwelling within us. Q) Eternal Security

13. Talking with God. Z) Prayer

14. The cost of following Jesus is dying to self. I) Cross for a Believer

15. An outrage against God and a source of harm to people. H) Sin

16. Includes conviction of sin and turning from it. K) Repentance

17. Absolute authority and rule. L) Sovereignty

18. God’s reign throughout history: the now and the not yet. N) Kingdom of God

19. The second Person of the Trinity, the unique God-Man forever. Y) God the Son

20. Jesus pays for sin, removing the barrier that separates us from God and wins us back to fellowship with Him. C) Reconciliation

21. Deliverance from sin’s penalty, power and presence. X) Wrath of God

22. No one can be saved by them but the saved will do them. T) Works

23. God pronounces our sins forgiven and Christ’s righteousness as ours. J) Justification

24. God’s favor to the utterly undeserving. B) Grace

25. Physical, sudden, visible, unexpected. D) Second coming of Christ

26. Adam's sin caused all to inherit a sinful nature. V) Humanity: Fall and Judgement

1. The Bible

A. 40+ authors B. Without error in original manuscripts C. Contains historical contradictions

2. God the Father

A. Father of all people B. First Person of Trinity C. Equal to the Son and Holy Spirit

3. The Holy Spirit

A. Indwells all believers B. Best described as a force C. Creates new life

4. Judgment of Believers and Unbelievers

A. All will be punished for sin B. Believers are judged for their works C. Punitive judgment is eternal

5. Millennium

A. Means a thousand years B. Refers to the reign of Christ C. A clear sequence of events

6. Redemption

A. Purchased from sin B. The ongoing deliverance from sin C. Through Jesus’ blood

7. Righteousness

A. Given to believers B. Removes the tendency to sin C. God’s right being and acting

8. Satan and demons

A. Rebelled against God B. Limited in power C. Will be defeated at Christ’s return

9. Suffering

A. Evidence of God’s judgment on sin B. Resulted from the Fall C. Experienced by all people

10. The Trinity

A. One God, three Persons B. God revealed in three ways C. One mind, purpose, nature

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