
Jesus reassured John, confronted unbelief, and demonstrates the kingdom of heaven (Matt 11-12)

Aim: Truth about Jesus leads some to believe in Him while others refuse to believe. Doctrine: Satan and demons, Attribute: Faithful, Big idea: Belief vs. unbelief

A) Jesus reassured John, condemned unbelievers, and called the weary. – Matthew 11

11:1-3) John's uncertain if Jesus is the Messiah and asks

4-6) Jesus answers scripture, blind see, lame walk, leprosy cleansed, deaf hear, dead raised

 - 6) "blessed is anyone who doesn't stumble on account of me" 

7-11) Jesus praised John as greatest to the crowds 

 - today the least believer today has a greater privilege than John the baptist

12-15) John came in spirit and power of Elijah

16-19) Jesus condemned critical unbelievers; self-willed, irritating children refuse God's message

20-24) Jesus condemned indifferent unbelievers who ignored the great works and words

 - God holds us accountable to the truth He reveals, the greater the spiritual privilege the greater the responsibility. 

25-27) Jesus praise God for believers who come with awe and confidence of children

28-30) Jesus offers himself as the Way to the Father (Promise, call)

 - God ordained that knowledge of Him would come only through His Son. The Spirit of God must draw us to the Son, who alone can reveal the Father to us (John 14:6), Not work we do but what he does to remove our shame and guilt for sin (1 Peter 2:24).

 - Submission to Jesus brings rest to weary souls

B) Jesus warned the Pharisees demonstrating the kingdom of heaven. – Matthew 12

12:1-8) Jesus confronted by Pharisees about eating on Sabbath

 - "I desire mercy, not sacrifice" 

 - 9-14) in the synagogue, Jesus teaches right from wrong logically, healing man's hand

 - "stretch out your hand", we just need to obey to experience life-changing miracles

 - Pharisees reaction to miracles, "plotted how they might kill Jesus"

15-21) Jesus heals the crowd that follows him fulfilling (Matthew 12:18-21, Isaiah 42:1-4)

22-24) Jesus heals demon-possessed blind/mute, talk/see, Pharisees call him the prince of demons

 - Pharisees and Scribes (Mark 3:22) witnessed the miracles, believe super-natural is demonic not from God

25-29) Jesus knew their thoughts, explains healing by Spirit of God, the kingdom has come upon you.

30-32) More than a failure to believe, blasphemy calls God’s work evil, a very serious sin against God. 

33-37) A tree is recognized by its fruit, we speak from our heart, good/evil comes from what is stored up inside - by words we are acquitted or condemned.

 - Today if you hear his voice don't harden your heart (Hebrews 1-4:13)

Prayer: Lord please forgive me and heal me from my habitual sins, change me from the inside out. Make me holy, that I can come into your presents un-ashamed and live righteously today. Grant me the serenity to accept the things I can't change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. 

38-42) Pharisees, Scribes ask for a sign, "wicked, adulterous generation ask for sign" only sign of Jonah, 3 days, 3 nights heart of the earth Son of Man - repent be wise

 - 43-45) impure spirit comes out of a person, if unoccupied comes back with more wicked, the final condition is worse than first - so will be with this generation

Wow, Matthew 12 is Revelation in a nutshell!

46-50) who is saved, in God's family? Whoever does the will of Jesus' Father in heaven!


1. What doubts or hard questions should you bring to Jesus?

2. How have you experienced true rest in Christ? 

3. What truth about Jesus do you resist?


People who believe in Jesus find refuge, but people who do not believe await judgment.

Your response to Jesus determines your eternal destiny.

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