
Jesus teaches how the message of His Kingdom is received (Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23)

A) Jesus teaches how the message of His Kingdom is received with a natural illustration Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23

  • The sower: Messenger of God's word (22)
  • The seed: Message about the Kingdom (19)
  • The soil along the path: Anyone who hear but don't understand the message
  • The birds that snatch the seed: evil one has taken away what was sown in the heart
  • The rocky soil: Someone who hears the message with joy but quickly fall away in trouble or persecution.
  • The thorny soil: Someone who hear the message but worry, the deceitfulness of wealth make them unfruitful
  • The good soil: Someone who hears, understands, AND produces a crop yielding 100,60,30 times what was sown
  • Luke 8:15 "a noble and good heart" is the only one that accomplishes the purpose of the seed
"We do heart work, not homework", we pray to God for a heart that understands and receptivity (faith) to wholeheartedly say yes.

 All of the good seed produced fruit, but the quantity of fruit varied. Giftedness, opportunity, obedience, and passion are factors that might contribute to different levels of fruitfulness in believers. John 15:5: As branches remain or abide in the vine, they bear fruit. How deeply we depend on the Lord is a factor in fruitfulness. Philippians 2:12-13: God works within His children to give them the “will” or desire and the power to act to 
fulfill His good purpose. It is all and only His work - BSF

Preparation of the soil and good timing increases the likelihood of proper growth in Christian life. "Let every heart prepare Him room, Let heaven and nature sing - Joy to the World"

Is my soil toxic? People have four dispositions, three are toxic, one is from God

Eyes that see, ears that hear and heart that understands

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