
God’s Word, His People, and His Plan

Weekly doctrine talks magnify God and matures people. As we study God's word every day, our goal is to know God more. As we encounter God as he has revealed Himself in the Bible and come to know His truth and His plan to redeem humanity our faith is matured, the fire in our hearts is stoked, and our cup is filled to overflowing. 

This is our prayer for ourselves and our members; that every morning they would seek to be with the Lord and come to know him better. It's when we live to this end that our lives are transformed, our work, our family, our churches, and our community. Will you make it point to ask God to reveal himself to you every morning? You don't even have to get out of bed...

You know some people wake up in the morning saying "good God it's morning!" others say "good morning God!" Consider starting your day this way. What impact do you think that might have on your heart? 

Today our Doctrine is on the Bible. Doctrine is just a fancy word for teaching. We have many versions of the Bible today but it's important to recognize they are translated from early manuscripts with different purposes. These translation purposes are known as "word for word" and "thought for thought." Each Bible version is on this spectrum. Generally in BSF, we use the NIV version but that's just the starting point. We encourage you to look at another version to build understanding and apply it.

I love how the NLT version brings the scripture to the modern way of speaking, Romans 15:4:

Such things were written in the Scriptures long ago to teach us. And the Scriptures give us hope and encouragement as we wait patiently for God’s promises to be fulfilled.- Romans 15:4

To summarize I'd say that: Through the entire Bible, God has revealed Himself, His truth, and His plan to redeem humanity. 

God spoke through more than 40 human authors in more than 66 writings when He gave us the Bible. The unified message and inerrancy (in their original manuscripts) within the Scriptures testifies that God is the author. Listen to the NLT for 2 Timothy 3:16-17

All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right. God uses it to prepare and equip his people to do every good work. - 2 Timothy 3:16-17

• God reveals Himself through the Bible and declares essential truth. This written record given to us by God, our Creator, stabilizes our lives and gives us hope. 

• The trustworthiness of the Bible rests on the character and integrity of God Himself. 

• The Bible explains humanity’s fall into sin and God’s unfolding plan of redemption. God sent His Son to earth to die for sinners and call a redeemed people to Himself.

• The Holy Spirit awakens dead hearts and minds so people can recognize and embrace truth and put their faith in Christ and all that God’s Word declares. 

• Those who turn to Christ for salvation and build their lives on God’s Word experience His redemptive power in this life and anticipate a glorious eternity in God’s presence.

• When I do not believe in the truth within the Bible or fail to recognize its importance, I am left to interpret life with only limited human insight. I live without a firm foundation. I cannot explain the brokenness in the world and myself or find lasting hope. 

• When I believe that the Bible reveals God and explains the most important things I need to know, I have an unshakable source of truth and hope. The Bible leads me to Jesus for salvation, speaks help into daily life, and gives hope that nothing can destroy.


God speaks to us through His Word

  • God’s Word unfolds needed truth; the Holy Spirit helps us apply that truth in practical ways in our daily lives.
  • How are you training your ear to listen to God? Are you ready to hear Him speak through this study?

The Bible provides an anchor for our lives.
  • The Word of God provides refuge through the joys and storms of life and prepares us for eternity.
  • How quickly do you seek encouragement and guidance from the Bible when your life becomes challenging?
God has granted you a privilege and opportunity to lead people to know Him through His Word.
  • Beyond the personal benefit of this study, you will help others meet Him through His Word? This commitment will require some work, but you can anticipate rich blessings as well?

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