
Elijah's 40 days brings victory, while Ahab and Jezebel bring self-destruction (1 Kings 19-21)

 1 Kings 19-21

A) Elijah's fear turns to encouragement, time with the LORD and clear instruction

19:1-4) Elijah's victory over false prophets brings persecution and deathly fear in the wilderness

19:5-8) Angel of the Lord encourages Elijah x2 "Get up and eat" - 40 days travel to Horeb, the mountain of God

 - 40 Days with God, fasting, Noah, and the end of time: Genesis 7:12, Luke 17:26,28,30

 - Jesus and Moses' life contrasted. 40 days versus 40 years. (Matthew 4:1-4, Deut 8:2-3), When you face temptation remember Jesus (Matt 4)

 - Jesus appeared to them 40 days after death proving he is alive - Acts 1:1-3

Application: Doing this reminded me that I haven't fasted with the Lord as he's directed me and sustained me. I've also been praying about calling new men into the ministry and the Lord reminded me of this truth from Acts 1:21-22) Ministry begins with the baptism of repentance. Just a few days ago did a study on the great commission which is what made this principle stick out.

9-18) LORD comes to Elijah, and he responds by casting his cares, "stand before me" windstorm, moves rocks, earthquake, fire, whisper - again the same prayer, "Go back, the wilderness of Damascus, anoint new kings and prophet, 7,000 preserved rest killed.

B) Elisha is anointed by Elijah and Ben-hadad starts a war with Ahad

19-21) Elisha called, slaughtered oxen, burned plow, and gave it to townspeople 

20:1-12) Ben-hadad, demands everything and more, and insults turn to battle

C) Ahab is given victory to know the LORD, yet ruins his life with bad choices. 

13-22) prophet tells Ahab LORD will hand over the enemies via 232 provincial commanders so he'll know LORD, 32 allied kings drunk at noon lose but Ben-hadad gets away to fight next spring

23-34) Ben-hadad's officers speculate about god and plans, but a man of God says LORD will defeat them so he'll know LORD 100k killed,  another 27k by the accidental wall, new treaty Ben-hadad lives.

35-43) Prophet goes to great lengths to condemn Ahab for a treaty with Ben-hadad 

21:1-7) Ahab wants Naboth vineyard that won't be sold, Jezebel vows to get it

8-16) Jezebel wrote in Ahab's name to create a false narrative about Naboth to have him killed

17-24) LORD through Elijah condemns Ahab for murder, theft, and evil - destruction for descendants.

25-29) Ahab influenced by Jezebel was awful to God, yet his mourning delayed judgment.

Prayer: Lord I repent of my independent attitude and lack of prioritization with you. I receive your corrective guidance and loving discipline. Thank you for not letting me go and setting me straight again. Today I receive your mercy and loving-kindness. Your yoke is easy and your burden is marvelous light. 

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