
Holy Spirit speaks through apostles, believers filled through prayer (Acts 4)

Biblical Allusion: Peter filled with the Spirit reminds those around him that Jesus is the Lord, declaring this truth of Psalm 118.
Focus verse:
Acts 4:12) There is salvation in no one else! God has given no other name under heaven by which we must be saved.”

AIM: All effective ministry is done by the Holy Spirit in believers, in Jesus name
Acts 4
A) Peter and John arrested, explain from scripture who Jesus is
1-3) Peter and John speaking, priests/captain of temple guard/Sadducees (disturbed about the resurrection of the dead) arrested them, jailed overnight
4) many heard and believed, now 5,000 total
5-7) next council of ALL rulers, elders, teachers met, Annas, Caiaphas, John, Alexander asked Peter/John "what power, whose name?"
8) Peter, filled with the Holy Spirit spoke to ALL
 - 9-11) good deed for crippled man, healed by the powerful name of Jesus (you crucified but God raised from dead) stone builders rejected, now cornerstone Ps 118:22
 - 12) There is salvation in no one else! God has given no other name under heaven by which we must be saved.”
Application: Overcoming addiction: In the name of the LORD I will cut them off (Psalm 118)
13) council amazed at the boldness of Peter and John, no special training Scriptures, but with Jesus
 - 14-15) the healed man was there (his witness) silenced them, order them out to talk among themselves
 - 16-18) can't deny the healing, everyone knows, but don't speak/teach in the name of Jesus
19-20) Peter and John question "do you think God wants us to obey you rather than him? We can't stop telling what we've seen and heard"
21-22) council threatens, but everyone praising God for this miraculous sign - healing a man lame for more than forty years

B) All believers united by God's word and prayer, share life together
23-25) Peter and John report to believers, all together lifted their voices in prayer to God: Sovereign Lord, Creator, you spoke by Holy Spirit through David Psalm 2:1-2
 - 27-28) this happened here ALL united against Jesus, yet this was determined before according to your will
29-30) Lord, give us great boldness in preaching your word, stretch out your hand with healing power, miraculous signs and wonders through the name of holy servant Jesus.
31) place shook, All filled with the HolySpirit, preach the word of God with boldness
32-35) All united heart and mind, apostles testified powerfully resurrection of Lord Jesus, God blessed, no needy because wealthy monetized possessions
 - 36) Barnabas "Son of Encouragement", Levi, sold a field brought money to apostles

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