
God works through Abigail, David, Saul, and Philistine home (1 Samuel 25-27, Psalm 37)

“Surely God is my help; the Lord is the one who sustains me.” – Psalm 54:4

“The Lord makes firm the steps of those who delight in him; though he may stumble, he will not fall, for the Lord upholds him with his hand.” – Psalm 37:23-24

The best part of BSF is the first question every week: "how you have seen God’s activity during the week. (How has He provided, answered, comforted, reconciled, guided, etc.?)"
 - It helps us to notice HOW God is at work in our lives. Through people, through circumstances, that prayer is all we have, in ourselves that in spite of circumstance we have joy and peace. In relationships that seemed irreconcilable and in decisions/commitments that put us on the right path he's showing us. What a wonderful year we've had in fellowship with one another.

Big Idea: God’s mercy is greater than all our weakness, weariness and sin.

1 Samuel 25-27; Psalm 37
A) Abigail intervenes between Nabal and David saving many lives
25:1) Samuel died, all Israel gathered mourned, buried at his house Ramah, David arose to wilderness of Paran
2-3) Nabal (harsh/evil/Calebite) in Maon, 3,000 sheep, 1,000 goats in Carmel, Abigail wife intelligent/beautiful
4-8) David sends 10 men to bless him with peace, give an account of blessings bestowed and ask a favor, give
9-17) Nabal didn't know David/Jesse, David/400 come to visit, a worker tells Abigail truth of David's protection
 - 11) Nabal SCORN: "Shall I then take my bread and my water and my meat that I have slaughtered for my shearers, and give it to men whose origin I do not know?”
 - 17) Nabal workers: "he is such a worthless man that no one can speak to him
 - Principle: Respect those whom God has placed in charge
 - Application: I'm like Nabal, Arrogance, stupidity, "unearned wealth", unknown protection from government/police - assuming that my position is and knowledge gives me the right to treat other/unknown people in need poorly. Certainly should know better but go on towards foolish ends.
- Application 2: I'm like David, quick tempter, going to extremes when I feel mistreated. Both sides suffer when the greater more mature person goes to the extreme. Thank God for godly women at home and in the workplace - cooler heads prevail, love covers a multitude of sins.
 - Proverbs 17:27 tells us: “He who has knowledge spares his words.” This means keeping in check a multitude of opinions that could ignite further anger in others. Someone who displays wisdom will think before speaking, and then will share only insights likely to be helpful.
18-22) Abigail 200 loaves, wine, 5 sheep prepared.. loaded on donkeys, workers, David intends to slaughter all Nabal has
 - 21) “Surely in vain I have guarded all that this man has in the wilderness, so that nothing was missed of all that belonged to him; and he has returned me evil for good."
23-25) Abigail takes blame for not intervening sooner, Nabal name = folly
26-31) Abigail blesses David in the name of the LORD with gifts, asks forgiveness, acknowledges David as lord
32-35) David acknowledges LORD who sent Abigail, grants her request.
 - 35) David received from her hand what she had brought him and said to her, “Go up to your house in peace. See, I have listened to you and granted your request.”
Application: Be like Abigail: wise, takes responsibility to save many at great personal risk, leadership - gets others to help her make things right, intervenes between two opposing forces helps them make peace.
36-38) Nabal eating/drinking like a king, Abigal tells what happened, his heart died, 10 days later LORD struck Nabal, he died
39-42) David, "Blessed be the LORD", heard David, brought Nabal's evildoing on himself - took Abigail to be his wife
 - 41) She arose and bowed with her face to the ground and said, “Behold, your maidservant is a maid to wash the feet of my lord’s servants.”
 - Application: be like Abigail, follow the LORD wholeheartedly and help others do the same Lord, wash my feetGodly relationship enhance spiritual growth (Romans 16)Everyone's choice: sacrilege or coram Deo
43-44) Meanwhile David also marries Ahinoam of Jezreel and Saul regifts Michal to Palti son of Laish, from Gallim.
Psalm 37:1-6) don't worry/envy wrongdoers, trust God and do good, cultivate faithfulness, delight in the LORD, commit your way to HIM - trust in HIM, he will bring forth righteousness/judgment as the light of noonday
7-11) rest in the LORD, wait patiently for Him, stewing over others wicked schemes only leads to evildoing
12-15) wicked plot againt righteous, LORD laughs, He sees, their sword enters their heart
16-20) better little + righteous, than abundance + wicked, LORD sustains, knows = evidence not ashamed in the time of evil
21-22) wicked borrows, doesn't pay back, righteous graciously gives, blessed inherit land, cursed cut off
23-26) STEPS of man established by the LORD, He delights in his way, fails but God has his hand, gracious/lending, descendants are a blessing (footprints in the sand)
27-34) depart from evil and do good, LORD loves justice, righteous speak wisdom/justice, law of God in his heart (Psalm 119:11), his steps don't slip wait for the LORD you will see
35-40) wicked men like big tree gone, man of peace has posterity - salvation of righteous is from the LORD, strength, help, delivers - because they take refuge in HIM.
Application: better to rest in the LORD, trust him as I obey and see his day approaching.

B) David trust LORD, sparing Saul's life a second time
26:1-5) Ziphites tells Saul David hiding, 3,000 searches for him. David, spies where Saul lays
6-12) While Saul and army slept, David and Abishai walk up to Saul and converse about killing him or letting LORD deal with him, steal spear and jug of water.
13-16) David calls the army out for not protecting LORDs annointed
17-20) Saul recognized David's voice, David asks why he pursues him, evil he's done, LORDs will?
21-25) Saul repents, David gives back spear, they make peace blessing eachother
 - 23) The Lord will repay each man for his righteousness and his faithfulness

C) David lives with Philistines under false pretense
27:1-7) David lives with Philistines, Achish at Gath with 600 men and their families, Saul no longer searched for him, 1 year, 4 months in Ziklag, Judah
8-12) David robs and kills Geshurites, Girzites, Amalekites - lies to Achish - says Negev of Judah, Jerahmeelites, Kenites - Achish, believed David is his servant

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