
Philip's Spirit filled preaching results in true faith for many (Acts 8)

In Acts 8 we see the fulfillment of prophecy from Jesus (Acts 1:8). The resurrected Jesus said, "But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria...". I love that we see Philip, a regular believer, not one of the twelve, demonstrate signs, miracles, and healing. We see Simon desire Godliness for personal gain and fame. Then we see Saul get transformed by his encounter with Jesus, from religious to relationship with God. And Ananias demonstrates listening to God in prayer and obedience.
A) Persecution brings preaching to Judea and Samaria, fulfilling Jesus' prophecy - Acts 8:1-8
 - 2) Godly men buried Stephen, mourned deeply for him
 - I envision prayer and fellowship that inspires Philip to go. Whoever would draw near to God... those who seek him (Why we pray).
 - 3) Saul began to destroy the church, house to house dragging family's to prison
 - 4-6) Philip proclaimed the Messiah in Samaria, performing signs resulting in people listening closely.
 - whoever has ears to hear let them hearNever underestimate the power of God’s Word to change a person’s heart
7-8) impure spirits came out of many, paralyzed or lame were healed resulting in great joy.
 - evil spirits were cast out (NLT) of people "possessed" (NKJ) they were "healed" (CEV)
 - Jesus called his disciples and gave power against unclean spirits, to cast them out and heal sickness and disease (Matthew 10:1), now he has been given all authority and charges us to go make disciples, teaching them to obey everything he commanded (Matthew 28:20).
Application: Have I understood the commandments of Jesus? What evidence in my life points to this reality?

B) Simon the sorcerer wants power for himself  Acts 8:9-25
9-10) Simon, local celebrity at sorcery thought to had "Great Power of God"
 - 11) amazed followers with sorcery - illustration: today we have DJs and stadium concerts.
12-13) They believed Philip's good news of kingdom of God and the name of Jesus Christ and were baptized
14-17) Peter and John came because they believed the word of God, prayed that might receive the Holy Spirit, laided hands-on and they did.
 - Did Simon believe? Yes, like the jews in Romans 10:2, people can have a zeal for God but if it's not based on knowledge,
 -18-19) Simon offered his money, "I want what you have",
 - Simon wanted to be the guy in front, to continue Romans 10:3 he wanted the righteousness of his own. Isomorphic mimicry; invisible habits and behaviors that undermine change
20-23) money can't buy God, or ministry, your heart must be right before God, repent, pray as of now your FULL of bitterness and captive to sin
 - Debug your heart, don't make mistakes permanent
 - 24) Simon's response, "Pray to the Lord for me so that nothing you said may happen to me" - wow, wrong response.
 - 25) Peter's response, further proclaim the word of the Lord and testified about Jesus, preaching the gospel
 - Fools make fun of guilt, but the godly acknowledge it and seek reconciliation (Proverbs 14:9)

C) Philip is sensitive to God's call, showing obedience bears fruit. - Acts 8-26-40
26-29) Philip hears an angel of the Lord give specific instructions and obeys, on the way the Spirit instructs him
30-33) leads to a friendly encounter with a person wanting to understand God and Philip explaining.
 - Isaiah 53:7-8 "oppressed, afflicted, yet silent, taken away and killed for the transgression of my people he was punished."
 - 34-40) it's about Jesus, the eunuch asks to baptized and was, Philip leaves but the eunuch rejoices
Application: sometimes it's the journey not the destination. Notice others on the way and add light and understanding for them.

Doctrine: Humanity
 - Image bearers of God, uniquely given a spirit for relationally bear fruit, rule and subdue.
 - Distinct from other created beings, God's representatives
 - Made for fellowship with God, everlasting friendship

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