
Holy Spirit empowers preaching and guidance in turbulent times (Acts 18:23-21:15)

Key verses:
the message about the Lord spread widely and had a powerful effect. Acts 19:20
And now I entrust you to God and the message of his grace that is able to build you up and give you an inheritance with all those he has set apart for himself. Acts 20:32

Acts 18:23-21:15
A) The Holy Spirit gives the power to change lives that impact entire cities
18:23-28) Appolos preaches the partial gospel, Priscilla and Aquila explain God's way fully, many benefit and believe by God's grace
19:1-7) Apollos Corinth, Paul explains Holy Spirit baptism in the name of Lord Jesus
 - alphausa.org Works the Holy Spirit does in the believers life
8-10) Paul preached 3 months about the Kingdom of God, believers left the synagogue, held daily discussions lecture hall Tyrannus 2 years
 - seek first the kingdom and all these things shall be added, God's buy and hold investment strategy (Truth Proverbs 23:23)
11-12) God gave Paul power, unusual miracles, healing, evil spirits expelled by fabric
13-16) Traveling Jewish exorcist used Jesus name "who Paul preaches" evil spirits recognize Jesus and Paul but harm them
17-19) Story spread, name of Lord Jesus honored, believers confessed sins, sorcerors brought $m incantation to burn publicly
20) the message about the Lord spread widely and had a powerful effect.
21-22) Paul felt compelled by the Spirit to  send Timothy and Erastus to Macedonia/Achaia, changed from Jerusalem to Rome
23-27) Demetrius, silversmith Greek goddess Artemis, losing business, and worship/influence/prestige
28-31) They shouted "Great is Artemis Ephesians", city confusion, rushed amphitheater dragging Gaius and Aristarchus (Paul's companions), believers and officials keep Paul out
32-34) Confusion, shouting herd mentality, anti-Jew, two hours
35-41) Mayor "Ephesus, guardian of temple Artemis, let courts handle it, Rome riot charges, disperse"

B) Plots against Pual don't discourage his preaching
20:1-3) Paul left for Macedonia encouraging believers, stayed in Greece 3 months, Jews plot to kill him in Syria, goes through Macedonia
4-6) Companions: Sopater son of Pyrrhus from Berea; Aristarchus and Secundus from Thessalonica; Gaius from Derbe; Timothy and Tychicus and Trophimus from Asia, after Passover ship from Philippi, stayed a week in Troas
7-12) Sunday, Lord's Supper, preached till midnight, Eutychus falls out window, then eat, preached till morning
 - Give your heart to God and let your eyes delight in him (Proverbs 23:26, John 14:6)
13-17) Paul on root to Jerusalem for Pentecost traveled by foot, others by ship - joined later sailed two more days - past Ephesus, but sent word to Ephesus Elders
18-21) Paul's message: "I"ve humbly done Lord's work, endured trials, same message for all: repent from sin, turn to God, have faith in Lord Jesus"

C) Holy Spirit warns Paul Jerusalem will mean suffering, exile to gentiles yet he goes.
22-24) "bound by the Spirit to Jerusalem, who tells me jail and suffering lie ahead - but my life is to finish assigned work (by Jesus) - tell others the Good News, wonderful grace of God.
25-27) You won't see me again, I've been faithful declaring what God wants you to know
28-31) Guard yourself, God's people, Feed and shepherd them purchased by blood, appointed by Holy Spirit - false teachers even from within, distort truth to draw following, 3 years together
33-38)  Never coveted, worked to supply needs of companions, helping by working hard, goodbye
 - Good planning and hard work lead to prosperity - no shortcuts (Proverbs 21:5)
21:1-6) sailing landed in Syria, found local believers to stay with for a week, others prophesied/Holy Spirit not to return to Jerusalem, congregation prayed left
7-12) Many others including Philip (one of seven)'s daughters prophecy not to go to Jerusalem
13-15) yet Paul was determined to go to Jerusalem

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