
Peter's letters explain how faith, grace, and hope work in our lives

Studied 1 Peter over the last few weeks with friends on my first online Bible Study using Zoom.us. We started by talking about "Who is Peter? What experiences with Jesus Shaped his life and then read the first 2 verses asked why the letter?"

Big moments in Peters life with Jesus:
 "- Jesus asked to come onto Peter's boat to preach the parable of the sower (Mark 4:1
 - The most important parable needed to understand the rest (Mark 4:13, Luke 8:10,15, 18, 21 NASB)
 - Peter received an abundant blessing from Jesus, caught fish, saw miracles, received divine revelation, performed miracles, believed promises and saw them fulfilled in himself
 - Was still impulsive and made mistakes" from  Living like You are Born Again
 - Jesus teaching and demonstration of Judging people in love, according to the faith
 - Times of refreshment will come from the presence of the Lord (Acts 3:20)

New connections for me, I noticed Peter's influence from the Sermon on the mount as well as Psalm 34 with the statement "If indeed you have tasted the goodness of God" 
 - Col 4:6, our speech is gracious, seasoned with salt Our struggle: Praying consistently, sharing gospel boldly (Col 4:2-6)

One thing I love about blogging is I can search my previous notes and when I did so to find "taste and see" I found this new connection just now between Hebrews 12:1-15 and 1 Peter 4:7-11, specifically Heb 12:15 and 1 Peter 4:11 about speaking
 - Taste can be bitter hurting people and ourselves (Bitterness deceives us, core to our iniquity)
       Harboring bitterness is the opposite of repentance.
       Our words are disproportionately powerful, inherently evil James 3:1-8, and contrasting impactful James 3:9-12 (it can do things not possible in the natural world). But God's first act of salvation is to give us a new tongue. James 3, Exodus 4:10-12, Acts 2:1-4

Principles in 1 Peter (Who are the people of God)
Love and accept one another (1 Peter 1:22)
 - Fervent Charity and other words we don't use much anymore (1 Peter 1:22 KJV, 1 Peter 4:8 KJV)
Tell the truth to each other (1 Peter 2:1)
Honor each other (1 Peter 2:17)
Forgive one another in truth (1 Peter 3:9,10)
Jesus eternal reign over all enemies began at his ascension 1 Peter 3:22
Be generous with each other, Serve in strength God provides (1 Peter 4:9,10) 

Outline of 1 Peter

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